Title: Dispute Resolution Board Foundation: Use of Dispute Boards in PPP Transaction by Kurt Dettman

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Other PPP Reference

Published: November 19, 2013

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Legislation and Laws **, Contractual Provisions, Contract, Dispute resolution, Arbitration


Document Summary:

Dispute Resolution Board Foundation: Use of Dispute Boards in PPP Transaction by Kurt Dettman

Document Details:

SPEAKER: Kurt Dettman, President-Elect of Region 1 (USA and Canada) of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation 

Session 3: Use of Dispute Boards in PPP Transactions 


DESCRIPTION: Presentation video and slides by Kurt Dettman on PPP Day (19 November 2013), held as part of the World Bank Group's Law Justice and Development Week 2013.


Kurt Dettman - Dispute Resolution Board Foundation from PPPLRC on Vimeo.



Mr. Dettman is the President-Elect of the Region 1 (USA and Canada) of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF), and is also the Principal of Constructive Dispute Resolutions, an ADR practice specializing in all aspects of dispute avoidance and resolution in the construction industry. He has written extensively about Dispute Resolution Boards, and conducts training on Dispute Board practice and administration. Kurt is on the DRBF’s President’s List, and co-chairs the DRBF Transportation and Energy Committees.


Tracking Reference:

Global_Dispute Resolution Board Foundation - Use of Dispute Boards by Kurt Dettman (Slides).pdf

Global_Dispute Resolution Board Foundation - Use of Dispute Boards by Kurt Dettman (Video).pdf

Updated: October 13, 2024